Food & Beverage
Sugar beet filtration, vegetable oil separation, brewing, wine grape filtration are some of the many fields where our, Süzerteks’, filter clothes are used in the food industry.
In the food industry, efficient liquid-solid separating, drying and sieving are vital process steps and also the keys to the success. For many food companies, the filter clothes used must be of the same quality at each time in order for such steps to be concluded in the same level of success at each time. For this reason, the most important parameter for all the food companies is a filter cloth supplier they can trust. Thanks to our long-standing experience and wide knowledge within the food industry, our Company has gained the trust of many leading food companies in Turkey. Relying on our TSE quality certificate, we guarantee all of our customers that they can procure filter clothes of the same quality from our Company particularly during the seasonal increases common in the food industry (such as sugar industry).
We offer our customers the same quality standards with each lot of our products thanks to our commitment to the international production and quality principles.